World 5 - Mackerel Skies: A land situated in the clouds populated by Cloudies. Most are asleep or inanimate but some are awake, and waiting to attack. The temples have rocky inhabitants that reside there. World 4 - Mountain Soursop: A jungle around and on top of a mountain with tribal hammer brothers and a ancient ruin. the main form of transport is the native Ostro birds and some not-so-friendly shy guys ride these around (the Ostros don't seem to like the shy guys). World 2 - Falafel Flatlands: a vast desert populated by friendly Sahariguys. Boos, J-sons and other ghoulish enemies live here World 2 - Pumpkin Passage: A haunted land where a huge castle can be seen in the distance upon entering. World 1 - Truffle Isle: An island that is territory of the Mushroom Kingdom with a small forest and a fortress populated by spiders. The most recent version has 9 new levels making the total 31. It takes it's art style from the SNES Mario games and it's soundtrack uses SMW custom music The mod itself (called Alesan's entities) adds about 190 new entities and many new features (such as custom enemies, animated backgrounds/tiles, custom power-ups and more).This makes almost full use of the mod's capabilities. Just type love-unstable /path/to/mari0.love in the command box and that’s it.Super Mario 16 (working title) is a traditional Mario platformer made using a mod for Mari0 (that fangame where Mario has a portal gun). Optional2: You can create a launcher for running Mari0. Optional1: Because I am a terminal maniac, I have created this alias for running the game.Īlias mari0=’love-unstable /home/linuxg/games/mari0.love’ $ love-unstable /home/linuxg/games/mari0.love Step 2: Download the Mari0*.zip archive and extract it: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bartbes/love-unstable ( via) How to install Mari0 on Ubuntu 13.04 / 12.10 / 12.04 and Linux Mint 14 / 13 :

How about I give Mario a Portal gun, like the one from Valve’s Portal Games.

Imagine you are playing the old classic Mario, popular in 1985. Super Mario Bro’s + Portal = Mari0 (with the o replaced by zero).