First up are the Mist Eaters Squad, who throw down a smokescreen to obscure your units from the enemy and buy time for repairs. Never fear though, because there’s some new squads and mechs to counter the updated enemies and bosses with. Don’t get too attached to any of your pilots. “Strategic losses are inevitable,” say Subset.

Perhaps the most intriguing part of the Advanced Edition update is the ‘ Unfair’ difficulty mode, which chucks the tricksy Alpha Vek monsters into the game much earlier and more frequently. Almost every part of Into The Breach will be getting a spruce up with fresh stuff to try.

Adam has a big burly ginger beard, while Kai’s flexing an awesome blue haircut. So far, I’ve spotted two new pilots: Adam and Kai. Watch on YouTube Into The Breach: Advanced Edition is a hefty free update for the sci-fi strategy classic.